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Difference between Autonomous and Non Autonomous College
What is an Autonomous College?

According to the rules and standards of the National Assessment Accreditation Council (NAAC), universities with a score of 3.51 or higher on a scale of 0 to 4 are considered autonomous college. Colleges with a score of 750 or higher, officially accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NBA), can earn the rank of Local Autonomy College. Local Autonomy College has some good advantages.

Difference between Autonomous & Non Autonomous Flexibility

In terms of flexibility, Local Autonomy College has an advantage. The boards of directors and educators who run Local Autonomy Colleges have a better understanding of the curriculum. You can make the curriculum simpler and tailor it to be most useful to your students.

Exam Pattern

The examination schedule is also strictly decided by the university itself. Therefore, the university has more control and holds a questionnaire.

At non-autonomy colleges, guidelines and dissertations are produced by the university. Therefore, they need to work according to university guidelines.

Admission Process

Admission to an autonomous College is much easier, as it is decided by the college’s management. The admission procedure is more students friendly. There is not much paperwork and hassle. Wise students are always welcomed on board with the highest respect and understanding.

What more can students expect from an autonomous college

Autonomous College appoints professors, lecturers, and faculties. This allows students to have a richer conversation with their faculty. Teachers are constantly changing and will serve the institution together for years. Therefore, the bond between students and faculty will be better. Exams are conducted within the university, making it easier for students to access their faculties. Interactive live sessions are also conducted with the utmost care and confidence. These exams are also held comprehensively. This facilitates the educational process. There are no headaches. Students can be confident that this is a very effective process of providing maximum education to all students. Students are considered assets here, and universities invest heavily in students. The students who died from here had a good position in IT / ITES / civil engineering / machinery / pharmaceuticals. This simplifies governance patterns allow students to ensure a safe and healthy future here.